Upload your original music to be included on WPSU-FM’s local music show.

Please read before submitting!

  1. Upload 2 or 3 songs that you are most proud of for consideration on The Local Groove.
  2. Do not submit an entire album because we will not be able to play all of the songs.
  3. Please make sure that you are giving us some information about your music or your band for us to talk about when/if we play your music on the air.
  4. Do not submit cover songs. This show is strictly for original music that was written by local artists.
  5. Do not submit songs with objectionable lyrics. Please create a “radio edit” of your song before submitting by editing out or reversing the objectionable word(s).
  6. We’re not just looking for new music or music from artists who are currently performing. If you have recordings from your band from the past, send that as well. Just make sure that they are original songs and it’s a quality recording.
  7. Continue to send music! If we play your music on the air, continue to send more as you have new songs to share. Let us know when you’re releasing something new.
Thank you for your interest in The Local Groove!

Name of band contact who is uploading this music
One member & instruments per line

File types allowed: mp3, mp4, wav   (50M)